3 Tips to Make Sure Your Wedding Reception Goes Well

Planning your wedding reception takes eternity, but its passes in a moment. That’s heart breaking but what’s worse is seeing everything you carefully planned fall apart. Well, to make sure everything happens just the way you vision it, you need to be careful with how you plan the big day. The following tips will see you to it.


Plan Like Hell

Months before your wedding, you should plan about everything like crazy. This rampage should include wedding venues, food, decoration, entertainment etc. plan and execute when you have time. But on your big day, you should let it go. Chances are you have missed a couple of things, but don’t let it ruin your day. People will hardly notice what’s missing when happiness and love is in the air.  Besides, there is nothing you can do when the even unfolds. So go with it.

Don’t Make Your Guests Wait

When it comes to wedding reception, you don’t want to make your guests wait. This can be the worst thing you can do. You need to make a timeline, and stick to it. Tell everyone of your timeline to make sure no one runs late. Make sure the ceremony starts on time and the photographer sticks with you snapping all round. Keep up with the cocktail hour because if you will make your guests wait, they will get restless.


Don’t Over Do

Another ice breaker, most people screw up everything by putting extra effort. Wedding reception ideas are more based on balancing every element of your wedding. So, make sure you keep balance while you plan. You need to create a part for every element in your budget, and search the possible options. If you have hired someone to plan, check with him/her often and update yourself about the current progress. You don’t want a surprise during the big event.